
mule esb is delivered as a community edition and an enterprise edition. if you do not have a license, you need to download the community edition, as studio is equipped by default only with the enterprise edition. in order to do it, perform these steps:

  1. go to help > install new software...
  2. select mule runtimes for anypoint studio in work with .
  3. next, extend anypoint studio community runtimes.
  4. select desired version like mule esb server runtime 3.9.0 ce .
  5. proceed with installation.

useful plugins

by default, anypoint studio only supports maven for mule applications. however, there are times when you would like to import a java project that is maven-enabled. without an additional plugin, that would not be possible. in order to enable it, we need to install the m2elipse plugin.

  1. go to menu help > install new software...
  2. in the work with field, paste the url and press enter .
  3. after a while you should be able to pick m2e - maven integration for eclipse (includes incubating components) .
  4. proceed with installation, keeping default values. except, of course, for the page with license acceptance.
  5. restart anypoint studio.
  6. navigate to window > preferences .
  7. go to anypoint studio and then to maven.
  8. next to the maven installation home directory click browse... and navigate to your private maven installation.
  9. click test maven configuration to verify if the selected maven installation is not corrupted.
  10. click the apply button.
  11. navigate to maven and then the installations position.
  12. click add button.
  13. select the maven installation directory and click finish .
  14. finally, click the apply button.

i assure you that it is a frequent scenario, when we develop both mule and java projects that are maven enabled.

Download Anypoint Studio Version 7.6

as i mentioned it earlier git/svn systems are used in every projects. i do not like switching back and forth between my ide and windows explorer to perform git/svn operations on file system. i would prefer to do that directly from ide. we will install egit plugin.

  1. go to menu help > install new software...
  2. in the work with field, paste the url and press enter .
  3. after a while, you should be able to pick git integration for eclipse .
  4. proceed with installation, keeping default values.
  5. restart anypoint studio .

well done. you are now ready to develop mule and java applications in a single ide.

Download Anypoint Studio For Windows

this is all you need to know about setting up anypoint studio!

integration,anypoint studio,tutorial
Published at DZone with permission of Patryk Bandurski, DZone MVB. See the original article here.

Anypoint Studio 7.3.2 Download

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